Committed to the


At Bright Lights Show Cattle, we are dedicated to the #BLSCfamily. BLSC was founded in 2007 with just one Shorthorn heifer and a family committed to learning. With the help of key mentors, we were able to flourish and now we want to provide that exceptional service to families that are committed to BLSC cattle to give back to the future of the livestock industry. We believe that without youth, we have no future. When you buy from us, you become part of the BLSC Family. Our unique team is prepared to help you reach your goals both in the show ring and pasture.

Quality over


Although some boast about quantity, we take pride in our quality. We strive to achieve balanced cattle that are functional, maternal, and compete at high levels in the show ring. Once our cattle complete their show careers, we want them to hit the pasture and exceed all expectations whether it be for us or our customers. With our intensive AI and embryo transfer program that is backed by our featured herd sires, we can bring you calves that you will not want to leave the farm without as you travel the country to shows. These are front pasture kind of cattle.


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Brand Name Marketing

The standard business definition of a brand is a unique design, sign, symbol, words, services, or a combination of these that are employed in creating an image that differentiages the company from its competitors. Over time, this image becomes associated with a level of credibility, quality, and customer satisfaction. Brands stand for values and benefits.

But, what’s really in a brand? Every cattle company is creating a brand whether they know it or not. Logos, print advertising, websites, word of mouth, how they work with their current customers, and more all goes in to creating an image that makes an impact.

We’ve been on both sides of the seller/customer partnership and have seen many scenarios play out for others in the cattle world. Some sellers are pushy, high pressure/high stakes, or know it alls that don’t even realize how uncomfortable or angry they make others. They always seem to have new customers, but many customers only return once or not at all.

It’s different than that at Bright Lights Show Cattle; we are absolutely passionate about our brand andwork every day to fulfill our commitment to our values and our customers. Every calf we sell comes with a guarantee. When we say guarantee, we don’t just mean a standard breeding guarantee.

We guarantee that when you make a purchase from us, you become part of the #BLSCFamily and we will support you and your family as much or as little as you like.

When you make your next purchase, know that sometimes a brand is more than just the value of a calf that you load on the trailer. Choose a brand that supports your needs and goals! Remember, leadership and passion matter!

Four Reasons Shorthorns Should Be in Your Herd

Like any agricultural pursuit, there are highs and lows, good days and bad; however, when you are doing what you truly have a passion for, the bad just doesn’t seem to matter nearly as much. Looking back now, it seems not that long ago we were sorting through lots at a pasture sale with excitement bubbling up. Then, we found The One. Luckily for us, The One happened to be a Shorthorn.

For the past 15+ years, we have found countless reasons to be grateful for our Shorthorn cow herd and the American Shorthorn Association has actually put numbers to what we have witnessed year after year.

Four Reasons Shorthorns Should be in Your Herd:

1. Maternal Ability

Fertility is one of the top predictors of profitability in a cow herd. If a cow doesn’t become pregnant she will never produce a return on the investment you have in her. Once a heifer calf is retained or purchased for a replacement it takes nearly 2 years before a calf is on the ground and another 6-10 months before a cow/calf producer sees a return on her. According to MARC, 94.2% of Shorthorn heifer become pregnant by the time they are 550 days of age compared to 86.0% of Angus and Hereford Heifers and 84.7% of Simmental heifers.

So, what if you don’t have Shorthorn cows and don’t want to replace your entire cow herd? Try a Shorthorn bull! Shorthorn-British breed crosses increase a cow’s years of lifetime production by .93 years. But what does that actually mean? An additional calf! So, as the ASA ad puts it, “What’s an extra calf worth” to you?

2. Carcass Traits

Every cattle producer knows that the end product in the beef cattle life cycle is meat! Cattle producers want to create that meat efficiently as possible. Profit = Income – Expenses. Cattle producers also want to create a quality product at the same time. Their cattle are ranked on both- Quality and Yield Grades. Shorthorns had the best calculated yield grade of 2.6 compared to Hereford, Red Angus, and Angus (2.8, 2.9, and 3.0 respectively) well still averaging Low Choice and maintaining the lowest amount of trimmable fat among the group!

3. Docility Pays

Docility affects average daily gain which affects your bottom line. According to Tri-County steer carcass futurity, cattle were chute scored for docility on a scale of 1 to 6. Scores 1-2 were considered docile, 3-4 were restless, and 5-6 were aggressive. Those that had a score of 1-2 had an ADG of 3.56 compared to 3.45 for chute scores 3-4 and 3.37 for chute scores 5-6. Shorthorns averaged a 1.7 chute score. Docility Pays. Shorthorns Pay.

Not only does docility pay, it also makes life easier!

4. Junior Focused

Shorthorn breeders are also incredibly junior focused and the association has one of the best junior breed organizations in the country. There’s no doubt that the National Junior Shorthorn Show is the event that is most looked forward to for juniors all over the US, the national junior board is second to none, and the scholarship program helps juniors further their education.

These are only 4 of the many reasons we appreciate Shorthorns here at Bright Lights Show Cattle. We hope if you are looking for a Shorthorn that you would be sure to check out what we have to offer!